Head of Strategy Nasdaq Buy & Sell Side Technology Division Michael has over 14 years experience in establishing and growing a variety of capital markets technology businesses across financial crime, electronic trading and risk management with a strong focus on fintech and regtech.
Michael is currently responsible for the inorganic growth of Nasdaq’s technology business. In this role Michael evaluates, structures and executes corporate investment opportunities, including acquisitions, joint-ventures, minority investments and partnerships. He also oversees business development for several corporate venture portfolio companies both directly and as a board observer.
In previous roles within the Nasdaq Group Michael has been responsible for establishing and growing several of Nasdaq’s technology businesses in the areas of risk management, electronic trading and surveillance across the US, UK, Asia and Australia. Prior to Nasdaq Michael was Head of Sales for SMARTS the global leader in real-time market surveillance and supervision. Following Nasdaq’s acquisition of SMARTS in 2010 Michael moved to the US to establish SMARTS’ New York office.
Michael holds a Masters in Philosophy from the University of New South Wales (Behavioural Finance) and a Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) from the University of Technology Sydney.