The Digital Finance CRC

The Digital Finance CRC (DFCRC) brings together a unique group of stakeholders in fintech, industry, research, and regulation to develop and capitalise on the huge commercial opportunities arising from the next transformation of the financial markets – the universal digitisation of all assets so they can be traded and exchanged directly and in real-time between any individual or organisation.

Bringing together research, education and commercialisation to drive the digital finance revolution.

The Digital Finance CRC Approach

We are commercially focused: Our research will be driven by the commercial ambition of our partners and our team. We are unapologetically commercial researchers.


We are world-class researchers having achieved commercial impact: Guided by our commercial focus is a research team comprising Australian researchers of global standing, as well as eminent international researchers, helping to maintain a global vision guiding our developments.


We are internationally connected. The digital Finance CRC will be networked to Universities around the world including Universities in Asia, Europe and the US through our internationally connected researchers and entrepreneurs.


We are pioneers: We will embed ourselves in the commercialisation process through establishing special purpose vehicles to operationalise pioneering commercial work. We do this to isolate risk for established partners, and to allow partners to monitor developments and determine their preferred level and timing for direct project or equity participation.


We are proven entrepreneurs: We have a history of successful commercial enterprise supplemented with independent advisers and a network of experienced technology investors and entrepreneurs. Largely independent the entrepreneurs provide fearless and frank guidance to ensure a commercial outcome.


We are connectors: We build sustainable bridges between research and industry, through an industry research and education program aimed directly at building expertise and leadership resources.


We learn by doing! We commercialise through operational pilot projects. Examples of this approach include our work in establishing Trovio, Digicash and Independent Reserve.

2022 Annual Report

Read our inaugural annual report for the DFCRC

Contact us

Contact the Digital Financial CRC to be connected to
the next wave of finance transformation.