Nancy Michail

University: Macquarie University

Academic supervisors: Professor Niloufer Selvadurai

Industry partner: DFCRC

Academic Background and Work Experience


I am a qualified Telecoms/IT engineer from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and also have qualifications in Diploma of Engineering Practice and Master of Engineering Management (UTS). I further studied Master of Research Commerce (Hons) at the University of Western Sydney (UWS). I published and had conference presentations nationally and internationally in Management of Information Systems. I also worked extensively in various corporates such as Telstra, Optus, Sydney Water and AMP for several years, and was also an Associate Lecturer at UWS in their Management Information Systems Department of the School of Management.


Later on in my career, I decided to study law which I completed at the University of Sydney. I also completed my Diploma of Practical Legal Training at NSW College of Law. I then studied Master of Research at Macquarie University in which I obtained a High Distinction award and it was marked by Professors from NSW University and Sydney University. I also worked with various government and private legal entities and even ran my own legal practice for a while. I then secured this DFCRC scholarship and went on to study for my PhD in Law at Macquarie University. I am currently in my final year and on my final stretch home!


Thesis Topic


Legal and regulatory aspects related to the issuance, circulation and usage of central bank digital currency in Australia 

Australia is currently initiating consultations and investigations regarding the possible implementation of a central bank digital currency. 1 Therefore, an important aspect that needs to be considered is how this currency operates within the context of Australian laws and regulations.



The DFCRC brings together stakeholders in FinTech, industry, research and regulation to develop and capitalise on the huge commercial opportunities arising from the next transformation of financial markets.